
Increase your possibilities with Silverpeas software

Set up your collaborative platform with Silverpeas: Saas, Cloud or On premise ... Our pricing offers should meet your expectations.

“SaaS” offer

Rent a collaborative space

2 € / user / month

500 MB / user
10 to 50 users max
Temporary working groups (project mode) within associations, VSEs & SMEs ...

Use it on the “Cloud”.

Rent a dedicated collaborative platform

from 2000 € / year

Price according to the number of users
Associations, SMEs, ETIs, Communities ...
Most popular option with our customers

Use it “On-premise”

Host your own collaborative platform

from 5000 € / year

Price based on the number of users
Associations, SME, mid-size enterprises, communities ... with an in-house IT department

Do you have a special request? We are committed to studying it!

If you have specific needs, not covered by one of the 30 Apps, we can study them in order to offer you a fixed price and timetable to which we are fully committed.
We can customize an existing App, or develop a new one. In both cases, developments will be fully integrated into the open-source project, so that all customers will be provided with the same solution.
In this case, we put all our expertise at your service by offering you different services to ensure the success of your project: workshops, support for change, GUI customization, recovery of your data, load tests, training of key users …



Request a quote

Different support formula, according to your needs!


3 500€ HT

1 authorized support contact


6 900€ HT

3 authorized support contact

2 platform update per year (1)
Most popular option with our customers


11 500€ HT

4 authorized support contacts

4 platform updates per year, with look support


20 700€ HT

6 authorized support contacts

8 platform updates per year, with full support for specifics

Annual health check-up

All formulas grant you access to:

  • Our extranet which gives you access to your project space, documentation, forums, and FAQ
  • Bug tracking platform (Redmine) which allows your authorized contacts, to file correction
    requests, evolution requests and follow the product roadmap progress.

Beginning with the GOLD formula, live support is provided by email and telephone from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5:00 p.m

(1) Excluding specific (Look, workflow)



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Our answers to your questions


With the SILVER formula, you can post your request on the platform
https://tracker.silverpeas.org/ which allows you to follow the qualification and progress of your request.

If you have not yet subscribed to our support, you can reach us via the mailing lists below.
They are hosted by Google Groups, so you will need to create an account (but this does not require a Gmail account).



Yes, try Silverpeas easily with our graphical installer

logo izPack

We provide an easy way to try Silverpeas with Izpack which embeds an application server
Wildfly Preconfigured, and an H2 database.
You must have a Java 8 JDK installed.

ImageMagick must be installed as it is required for image rendering and preview documents
Of course, the resulting installation, is not suitable for large scale deployment!


  • Download the installer (~ 253 Mo)
  • Run the following command (or double-click on the jar file)
    java -jar Silverpeas-6.0.2-installer.jar
  • When everything is installed, you can launch Silverpeas by executing one of the commands
    following the bin directory of the Silverpeas installation path:

    • To start: .\silverpeas start
    • To stop : .\silverpeas stop
  • You can now open a browser on http://localhost:8000/silverpeas and log in using the
    SilverAdmin / SilverAdmin account

Yes, you can easily try Silverpeas from our dedicated Docker image. explicitly designed for tests
You can find it in our Docker repository

You haven’t found the answer to your question?

Our team is at your disposal to help you.
Contact us